Fragrance of the Day - Valentino Born In Roma Uomo Yellow Dream

#fragranceoftheday is the #fruity #oriental #valentinouomo #yellowdream with soft spices and a key note of #gingerbread.
Launched as a #limitededitionfragrance for #summer2021🌴☀️ it is a fragrance that celebrates the #goldensunrise of #rome with bright #fruits on top of a #oriental base that harks back to those found in #heritage fragrances.
#valentinoborninroma yellow dream begins with a punchy #citrus combination of #pineapple #bergamot and #mandarin. These mellow to reveal a #spicy #orientalaftershave that uses an unusual note of #gingerbread as it's central theme with #cinnamon #nutmeg and #vanilla added for extra richness. The base keeps the gingerbread note with #cedarwood and a slight hint of #tonkabean for a masculine and addictive essence, a great summer edition!
For #fans of #versacedylanbluehomme #pacorabanne1millon and #armanistrongerwithyou
Available online at with free delivery or you can #ShopNewark in our #newarkperfumeshop on Baldertongate.